Tag: morality plays

A New Life: Introduction; The Evil Eye

Introduction: The Wave of Change When I looked at the old photograph of my “happy family,” buried for years in a forgotten album (see illustration),

How to Begin to Escape from The Dome

1. Give up the dream of Paradise on Earth.  The sight of the rubble of Hiroshima killed the comforting narrative that the progress of science

Liberal Education: Piercing the Dome

As you all know, the theme of this year’s Colloquium is Student as Journeyman: Education, Formation, and Transformation. Mr. Powers asked me to talk on

On Watching Oppenheimer

No Historical Memory Yesterday, I watched the superb movie Oppenheimer, written and directed by Christopher Nolan.  The movie is historically accurate, with one caveat. Nolan

Oppenheimer: Los Alamos, Then and Now

A friend of mine, a fellow theoretical physicist, after seeing Christopher Nolan’s movie Oppenheimer, asked for my take on Los Alamos National Laboratory, which in